Traditionally, men are not included in the baby shower for the mother's to be, but instead, pushed out the door while the women celebrate. Instead of this, let the dad have their own celebration by having a baby shower for him. Below are some games that can be played at their baby shower so you can help make it a great one for him.
1. Changing Diapers
The men may not be used to changing diapers, and may even balk at the idea of it. The women, however, will likely want them to help in this regard. To get the shower guests ready, set up a change the diaper game. Place apple juice and melted chocolate into diapers, place one diaper on each baby doll, and lay the dolls on a table. Make sure there are enough baby dolls for each dad.
Lay a clean diaper next to each doll, along with some baby wipes. Stand a dad in front of each baby, and let them race to see who can remove the diaper, clean the baby up, and put a clean diaper on the baby the quickest.
2. Creating Baby Shirts
Put some fabric paint, glitter, fabric pens, and anything else the dads can use to decorate the shirt. Set these things on a table, along with one white baby shirt for each dad. Give them a certain amount of time to decorate their baby shirt to see who can be the most creative. Set the shirts aside so they can dry, and tell the dads to give them to the mothers when they get home.
3. Assembling Toys
Dads often have to assemble toys throughout the years for their children, and to get them started have an assembling toys game. Purchase two toddler toys that have to be assembled, such as a dollhouse, bicycle, or riding toy. Lay the toys on the floor, because this is often the place that dads assemble toys.
Lay some various tools on the floor, such as flat head screw drivers, Philip's head screw drivers, and various sized wrenches. Mix the tools up on the floor so the dads have to hunt for the one that need. See how quickly they can get their toys put together. Separate the dads into two teams, and see how fast they can assemble the items.
Have prizes to give out for the winners of these games. You could do something easy like items for the baby, such as a boxes of diapers, packs of cool baby t-shirts, or a container filled with various small baby items. You could also purchase gift certificates to hand out, such as to their favorite restaurant.