Latin Dance For Weight Loss

Are you a guy who is looking for a fun and interesting way to lose weight? Are you tired of exercise programs that are boring and that can even be embarrassing to do? The best exercises are ones that are fun and that you want to do. To this end, learning how to dance or learning new dance steps can be a great way to be more active while enjoying yourself and socializing with other people. If you've never considered dance as a form of exercise, here are some steps you might want to try:

Merengue: You don't yet have to break out any mens latin dance pants to learn this step. The merengue comes from from the Dominican Republic and is actually an official dance step of that country. It is, however, easy for beginners to learn and do. Even if you've never done any dancing before, you should be able to pick up how to do a merengue in just a few lessons. The merengue is a very active dance step for both partners. If you're learning how to dance so that you can be more fit, you might want to start with a different dance move, even though the merengue is easy to learn.

Tango: The tango may be one of the most well-known of all latin dance steps. It is slightly slower and more sensual than the merengue. This makes it a great step to learn if you've got a significant other who also wants to start learning how to dance. While perhaps not quite as easy to learn as the merengue, it isn't overly complicated either. For absolute beginners, no special costumes are needed. But as you get into the spirit of the dance lessons, you might want to consider buying special dance outfits so that you look the part.

Flamenco: The flamenco is another sensual dance step, but it is faster and more active than the tango. A flamenco dance often consists of relatively complex dance moves and flourishes. As a result, for this dance, the costumes can be almost as important as the moves. While the gentlemen will wear ordinary mens latin dance pants and tops, the women will wear dresses that flow and billow around them as they move. Depending on the exact style of clothing being worn at the time, the woman's dress can almost become a third partner in the dance. 
